Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim RLP Episode 026

On this episode, I discuss sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. We cover mechanism of action, adverse effects, and some really important, clinically relevant drug interactions.  Hope you enjoy the show and be sure to take advantage of our FREE 31 page PDF document on the highly testable pearls of the Top 200 Drugs.  A great resource for any nursing, pharmacy, or midlevel, or med student!

Thiazide and Thiazide Like Diuretics RLP Episode 24

Thiazide diuretics are well-known to help with edema and hypertension.

Thiazides need to monitored for electrolyte imbalances. Hypokalemia is a real and significant possibility.

Thiazide diuretics can also raise uric acid which can impact our patients with gout. Pay attention to use in this patient population.

I also cover drug interactions and the mechanism of action of thiazide diuretics on this episode.

Enjoy the show!